What I Can Help With
Innovative, outcome-driven mental health services

Juggling families and demanding careers, and trying to make sense of difficult relationships, are just some of the challenges women face today. I can help you gain a better understanding of the problems that make you unhappy.

Men are not immune to emotional suffering, the statistics bear this out with 3/4 of all recorded suicides being male victims. Many men struggle silently with their wellbeing. Make contact with me to have an initial conversation in therapy.

Working as an employer or employee can be rewarding and fulfilling but also stressful, demanding and overwhelming. Talking to a counsellor can have real benefits for you and your employees’ mental health and wellbeing.
The Modalities I work with:
- Person-centred therapy (PCT)
- Integrative Therapy Interventions
- Psychoeducation Interventions (encouraging personal development)
- Low-Intensity psychological interventions for depression and anxiety
- Motivational Interventions (structured towards enhancing changes in clients)
- Compassion-focused therapy- (understanding self-worth)
Counseling Packages
Individual Counseling Packages
STC Sessions
- Structured Telephone Counselling (STC)
- 6 call sessions
- 50 - 60 minutes/session
Other Counseling Packages
Bereavement Counselling
- Individual adults bereaved as children
- 50 - 60 minutes/session